Monday, January 30, 2006

Mind / Body

For the past couple of years my partner (CJ) and I have been, like so many people today, taking antidepressants. They've been a God-send. I really don't know if CJ and I would still be together without them. (We've been together 21 years.) CJ, especially, has been transformed - more open and communicative, and a delight to spend time with. For my part, the world is definitely a much better place now....

But, there's no such thing as a free lunch - the benefits come at a price. These prescriptions leave the libido trailing in the dust. I am thankful these side-effects are common to us both - and, we frequently make jokes about it. But, I can imagine the problems that would develop with only one partner taking them and the other not....

Coping with these side-effects have had some interesting aspects. Sexual urgency is a totally different experience for me now. The body knows very well the time that's elapsed since its last screwing, while the mind remains fairly unconcerned.

Before beginning the prescriptions we had sex probably three, maybe four, times a week. And, that number has certainly diminshed - but rarely to less than twice a week now. However, it's often fairly "lazy" sex, with a really satisfying shagging only once or twice a month. The fact is, we both tend to forget about sex until one of us cranky and pissy and has trouble sleeping for being so horny. But, it's the *body* that seems to deliver the message....

As a result, one of things I've done to make a conscious effort to "sexualize" my day are "adult" blogs - which I think are just wonderful! I really appreciate the candid, open, frankness so many bloggers offer to the world at large: finely crafted writing and so very heart-felt! I wasn't expecting so much *humanity*! Thank you!!

There must be many people in the blogsphere who also cope with the side-effects to antidepressants. What are you experiences??

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Happy HNT!!

OK. Very risky (perhaps not so risque). Anyway, here you go! My first HNT, a few hours early....

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Endorphins / Bi-valves

Home again. What a beautiful day on the water! I love this kind of tired - after a day of diving: droopy-eyed, but with the endorphin "one-with-the-universe" that comes with your blood full of nitrogen. Slow easy sex would be quite nice....

It might come as a surprise to you to learn I concieve of this blog as a sex blog. It probably will be.

I'm working on a post regarding strategies for dealing with the sexual side effects of antidepression medication. Not a whine and cry post, but a discussion.... It strange when your body knows you NEED TO GET LAID! But, your mind set is dilly-dallying at the rest area. A very interesting mind/body split....

Stay tuned!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Patience please!!

If you're stopping by in hopes of a new post - thanks!!! I appreciate your interest!! I have a topic for a post I've been working on and wanting to write for some time now. It will take a bit of time to work out (I want it to be good post!)

But, time is perpetually in such short supply! And, I don't even have kids!

Plus, Tuesday I'm going scuba diving. Yes, in the cold Atlantic - for scallops (cold, as in 34*F.) I do this because I *like* doing it! Not because there's any money to be made (there isn't anymore!).

I know, jumping into 34* water seems counter-intuitive to many of you. Please understand, I love warm-water diving! It's so *easy*! But, scallop diving is a special thing and a special skill. It's a great way to spend a day outdoors in the winter. And, it's cheaper than skiiing. Well, OK, maybe not, if you count the boat.... But, I still love it! Plus, there are the scallops!!

So, please be patient with me as I get used to the blogsphere and compose myself to make a good impression (I hope!).

Please come again soon!!

Friday, January 20, 2006

By way of introduction

I'm not usually much for lists, but this list from Lara at Whineywench (via Madame X) may help introduce me to you, my readers (if there are any of you out there!) I've added and edited the list:

Four Jobs you’ve had:

wine steward
commercial fishing
house painter/"handy man"

Four Places you’ve lived:


First president you remember:

Eisenhower (dimly). I do remember Jack Kennedy winning the election, however.

Four TV shows you watch: (mostly all off the air now...)

Six Feet Under
Sex in the City
West Wing

Four places you’ve traveled to:

Various Carribbean destinations (diving!)
(OK. That's five...)

Four of your favorite foods:

I love to cook - and will happily eat most everything. Because I live near the ocean - Fish! But, I especially love the scallops I scuba dive for in the winter; my neighbor's beef - when available; and, all sorts of game - especially venison!

Music you listen to:

R&B, especially from the 60's and '70's
early jazz
Van Morrison
and, well, Jimmy Buffet

Three non-fiction authors:

James Hillman
Thomas Moore
Gretel Erlich (The Future of Ice)

Three fiction authors:

Barbara Kingsolver
Tony Morrison
Patrick O'Brian (and his 20 volume "Aubrey/Maturin" series!)

I've been quietly following *many* blogs for the past couple of months and will, as my skills increase, link to my favorites. (I puzzled my way through a couple links already!) I thank you all for your generosity of spirit and for taking/making the time to post!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Everybody's doing it....

OK. Today, I took the leap. I created this blog. I'm new to blogging but, I look forward to the give and take I've been enjoying in blogland recently! See you soon!!