Saturday, January 24, 2009

Home early...

The other day I came home in the middle of the afternoon from working out of town - and found CJ's car in the drive: a bit unusual, I thought. And, almost immediately I began entertaining thoughts that she might be home doing some "entertaining" of her own. It was an engaging thought - OK, a fantasy. Jealousy has never been my thing...

Perhaps this is a fantasy I can muse over comfortably - imagining walking in and finding her "en flagrante" - because it's so highly unlikely. Or, maybe not.

When I got married - a million years ago and in another lifetime - I entered into one of those "open" marriages. I was very young - and admittedly, pretty darn naive. But, we both put theory into practice with forays and explorations, sometimes with mutual friends, and it never disturbed me. Often, in fact, quite the contrary. I recall one friend visiting us for a time and she jumping into bed with him each morning after I'd gone to work.

If I have any regrets it's probably that the three of us didn't take advantage of a unique situation and push the limits of the small double beds! But, that's another story.

So, I walked into the house the other day to find CJ in her coat gathering up some items for an errand she had to run. A much more quotidian moment than the one I was conjuring. Still, it sets the mood for the nice homecoming....


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